

 As I look around me, I see how blessed I am. Sometimes I forget that. I catch myself being upset over the littlest things. From life to guys to choices. I am always upset over things that I shouldn’t be. But when things are going good for me, I seem to not take notice. The good should overpower the bad. But somehow I catch myself only noticing when things are bad, even when it’s not really “bad.” Just a bad day. Life is so short, I want to accomplish so much and leave my imprint in life. I am so so blessed. I live in a small town, where everyone says they can’t wait to leave, me being one. But, I do know that once I do leave, I will miss this small town. It will always be my home, it has shaped me. There’s been so many good memories made here that I am always going to cherish. As I realize that I am moving on, I took a step today, to just admire everything. My friends… I could talk hours upon hours about them. My heart is so full of love. They help me realize that I am never alone. They are there to catch me when I fall, they are there for my accomplishments, they are amazing people and one of a kind. We are all going to go our separate ways one day, but I don’t think I can ever thank them enough for all that they do. As we are getting closer to going our own ways, I feel as if we are getting closer to each other. My family, they are incredible. They are the strongest people that I know. Life is beautiful. Take a day and just look around you. I know that I am never alone, and neither are you. You are loved. Sure, life throws some big curveballs at you, but just know that no matter how big the curve is, you are stronger. We can handle anything. Thank you everyone. For being a part of my journey. I am truly grateful for having so many wonderful people to help guide me. I can not wait to see what the future has in store for me, and I can not wait to see how far everyone makes it. ❤️ thank you for teaching me a great lesson. I am always loved. 

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